Saturday, February 21, 2009


This article claims that Obama is now bigger than The Beatles. I'd take it seriously if it's reasoning wasn't flawed. It also wants us to believe Obama is bigger than God.

I've seen many articles over the years claiming that everyone from "Wings", "Hannah Montana" "Nsync" "Batman" to "Twilight The Movie" as "bigger than the Beatles".

First of all, when you claim to be "bigger than the Beatles", that is just showing how big the Beatles are in the first place. The statement itself is a contradiction. If you are bigger than the Beatles, prove it.

Decades later we still have thousands of books being published by associates of them, albums being released with their music being recorded in different genres.

Can we say this about any other phenomenons?

Obama might wind up being "bigger than the Beatles" though. Whether you agree or disagree with his politics, it's hard to argue the presence of Obamamania.

Bigger than the Beatles? Let's see what people are saying in a few decades...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how about the whole controversy when Lenon said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus? But Obama is big, no denying that.